Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Winter Fairy's Doing What Now?

I realized after I made my last post that I neglected to include this infectious little gem -- and by "infectious", I mean that it's akin to a pus-encrusted wound you can't stop picking at.  This is Kaela Kimura's "Winter Fairy," which is everywhere right now because it's being used in an advertisement for a cell phone company.

Here's the advertisement.  It doesn't include the whole song, but it includes just about all you really need to hear:

Here are the lyrics:

A winter fairy's melting a snowman
A winter fairy's melting a snowman
A winter fairy's melting a snowman
It's a melting snowman

All of this really begs the question: why is the winter fairy being such a jerk?  Some kid built that snowman with his own two hands, you stupid jerk fairy.  I bet you kick sandcastles over when you go to the beach.

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