Friday, January 14, 2011


Hello everyone!  It's been almost 2 weeks since the last post so let me make a quick one to brag:  I won the claw machine!  Again!

This time the prize was a spherical rabbit toy.   But there's more!  Inside the bunny is a ball.  Inside that ball is a spinning motor.  This makes the rabbit "hop" around spastically in an adorable way.

Here's the little fella now!

Of course, the kids at school went NUTS when I showed it to them.  They named it Pyon-Pyon, based on the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a rabbit makes when it hops. 

The big question is, what is it with me and rabbit toys?  First Stripey-kun and now Pyon-Pyon.  Maybe it's because it's the year of the rabbit and I was born on the year of the rabbit?  It's all a mystery!

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