Monday, January 3, 2011

Iwatayama Monkey Mountain

On December 30th, we went to Kyoto. Unfortunately, Ryan's camera stopped working a few hours in, so we only have pictures of the first place we went: Iwatayama Monkey Mountain. And only a handful of pics at that. Sorry! I hope you enjoy what we have!

It was a drizzly morning, but the Arashiyama area (in which Monkey Mountain was situated) was really pretty.  Dig the mist over those mountains.

A monkey!  A Japanese snow monkey, to be precise.  We hadn't even reached the summit when we stumbled upon this guy.  The mountain was seriously lousy with monkeys!

D'awww, wook at da baby!

A mama monkey begs for some food.  Basically, when you got to the top of the mountain, the employees put you in a cage and gave you apples and nuts to hand to the monkeys through the chain link.

A monkey takes a peanut out of my hand.  Their little fingers felt so cool.  Some of them took the food real gentle-like and some of them just snatched it like the greedy, fat buggers they are.

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