Friday, November 26, 2010

My Japanese style apartment and Midorii

Hello!  I said I'd make a post about my new digs so here it is.

On Thursday I moved into my new apartment in Midorii, Hiroshima.  Well, first I took the bullet train (more on that in a later post!) from training and was met by my manager at the station.  From there we went right to my branch school and I shadowed the teacher I was replacing all day.  And THEN I moved into my apartment. Long day!

Anyway, here are some pictures of the place and the surrounding area:

Welcome to my apartment!  Take off your shoes.  Directly ahead is my kitchen and through the sliding door is my living room - slash - bedroom.  Not pictured - the bathroom and shower, which are on the left and right behind me.

Here we are!  I have a tatami mat room.  Joanna is really jealous of it.

This is where I sleep.  It's a futon on the floor with a few mattress pads.  Needless to say it takes some getting used to.

The view as I walk out of my apartment.  Beautiful!  Check the mountain back there.

There are a lot of stray cats around where I live.  This one hangs out by the drainage ducts.

A random street corner on the way to work.  It's a 7-8 minute walk through nice suburban-urban areas like this.

And now some other stuff...

There's a store in the mall attached to my school that has a whole Ghibli section.  Here we have a bin of Ponyos and a big Jiji!

This one's for you Erin.  I see capsule machines for these freaky "CUBIC MOUTH" Disney characters all over the place.  I don't know what the heck.

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