Sunday, November 28, 2010

JoJo's Apartment

The view from my apartment.  In the distance, you can see the sign for Sun Live, the store where I do my grocery shopping.
This is the extent of my kitchen: one burner, a sink, and the fridge to the far left.
The view from my front door.  On the left are my washing machine, my vanity, my fridge (with toaster oven on top), and my burner and kitchen sink (hidden in the alcove).  On the right are my shower room and my bathroom.  Straight ahead is my bedroom/living room.
The view from my living room.  On the left are my futon and bookshelf.  On the right is my closet.
My living room: futon, television, mirror, vacuum, and table.  It isn't usually this messy; I just had some stuff out because I was packing to go to Ryan's. :D

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