Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So Much Cooler Than That Winter Fairy Thing

You may remember music artist Kaela Kimura from my not-so-flattering post on her infectious hit, "Winter Fairy."

Well, as it turns out, I need to give her a little more credit.  I saw this three-year-old video for her single "Jasper" last Saturday during karaoke, and it is one of the coolest PV's I've ever clapped eyes on.  Seriously, people -- it's neat-o.  I'm not sure if it quite atones for that jerk fairy melting all those innocent snowmen, but it's a start.

By the way, I don't know who Jasper is, nor do I know what he's supposed to be inside.  Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Narse (or should I say...Roger Podacter?)! Thanks for the link -- I hadn't seen that one before. It's really cool! The girl knows how to put together a crazy, creative music video, that's for sure.

    It pains me to say that the hot pepper commercial is no longer running here, but there's a new one in which she extols the virtues of gum...or shoes...or shoes that turn into gum? I'm still trying to figure it out.

    Also, Kaela Kimura was apparently the main character in some movie set in Hiroshima. Would you happen to know the name of it? We're trying to watch more movies set in Hiroshima (that aren't about the yakuza -- harder than you'd think).
