Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pictures from my phone

If you're anything like me (and let's hope you're not), you take a bajillion photos of everything with your phone.  Ever since getting my fancy high tech (cheapest available) Japanese cell phone, I've accumulated a bunch of goofy pictures, so I thought I'd share!

To start, here are some from yesterday:

In my 1st grade class, the students had to give short speeches about things they like to do.  I also had them draw a picture. This one was done by Rena, age 7, super Japanese Michael Jackson fan.  Isn't it fantastic?!  Kid art = best art
It was also the last day of class so I got a picture with them on my phone.  Great kids!

And here's a few other things:

Yohei the bulldog!  About a month ago Joanna and I and our mutual friend Machiko went to a Japanese cooking class.  It was fun, but difficult, and entirely in Japanese.  It was also at the teacher's house, so we got to meet her dog.  He was my atarashii tomodachi (new friend).
A great anti-smoking sign on the train.  Don't flick cigs unless you live in an old movie, hombre!
For some reason the Japanese version of Twilight all have this girl wearing a Dracula cape.
Yep, we're kind of a big deal.  They always make these great advertisements for the sign outside our school.  Here's me and Jeremy lookin' super fly.  Let's study English together and look BOSS doing it!

I've got a bunch more but that's all I have on the computer at the moment.  Bye for now!

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