Sunday, December 26, 2010

Asa Zoo

Last weekend we made a trip out to Asa Zoo.  Due to Japan's much less strict animal cruelty laws, the zoo wasn't as humane as, say, zoos in the U.S.  But (most) of the animals looked happy and we had a great time!  Okay, that's all for now, bye.

... Just kidding, here are some pictures:

Baboons!  There were so many of them in the enclosure and they were all beating on each other.  I was so scared for the little baby one but he always managed to get out of trouble in time.

You could play tug-of-war through the glass with a baboon.  Dude was STRONG!

Giraffe kisses are the best kisses.

Elephant action!

A penguin or two!  You could get really close to the glass.

The cutest baby bunny in the world.  And also the sneakiest - he's supposed to be BEHIND those bars!

The Japanese Serow.  Is it an antelope?  A deer?  A goat?  No one knows for sure.

Red pandas are SO difficult to photograph, which is a pain because they're so cute you wanna take a million pictures of them.  They're really camera shy.

The only picture that actually turned out well.  The majestic Yuki!

Joanna and a TORA.

This actually happened.

On the way out we drew a picture in the visitor's log.  I drew a giant salamander, Joanna drew a red panda.


  1. I hope that tiger's pen was bigger than it is in the actual photo!

    And I love your drawing, it's adorable :)

  2. @Melly: It was bigger, but probably still too small. I think they had like four tigers and rotated them out or something, which I guess makes it a little better. Japanese animal rights standards are a smidge behind Western standards...

    Glad you like the drawing! I can't tell you how many times a week I see something and wish you were here to laugh at it with me, by the way :P
