Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Fun Japan Party Time Store

These are some miscellaneous things Ryan and I saw when we were walking through the shopping arcade in downtown Kure.

We all know that no party is complete without a Hitler costume!  In case you can't decipher it, the writing on the blue strip at the top reads "Enjoy your life," which apparently would be impossible to do without a Nazi get-up.  Japan once again fulfills needs I didn't know anybody had.

You know how a lot of Halloween costumes in America are just normal, mundane outfits made ludicrously sexy?  That isn't the case here.  This is what Japanese school girls' gym uniforms look like to begin with.  No additional sexing-up required.  You'd think the fact that the Japanese public school system puts little girls in uniforms skimpy enough to double as fetish outfits would give someone pause.

The always-popular cute subservient maid costume.  Heck, you don't even need to go to a special costume shop to pick one of these up.  I've seen them at my local mall.

A horse head.  Wear it with any of the above for instant hilarity.

A tiny United States mailbox that plays a mounful-sounding rendition of "Mr. Postman" when you jiggle the lid.  And when I say "mournful-sounding," I mean the batteries are running low and it sounds like the singer just took a huge dose of thorazine.

"We want you for the bath time crew!" - creepy uncanny-valley child with disturbingly white teeth

You need to be careful what you do when you go out in super-public.

This store wants you to be its kids.  "Wow Wow" indeed.

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